Can Embracing Uncertainty Improve Your Life?

We all know that life is uncertain. And this uncertainty can lead to stress and worry for many of us.

Envision a life where uncertainty is not something to fear but a gift to embrace. It’s a journey of transformation where challenges become opportunities for growth, connection, and learning. Adopting an Open Stance towards uncertainty opens the door to a more fulfilling and enriching life experience.

In her new book, Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure, Maggie Jackson presents a compelling case for the many benefits of uncertainty about what is happening or will happen. She argues that being uncertain, or what I would call adopting an Open Stance, is aligned with better decision-making, improved mental agility, smoother learning, the ability to respond well in a crisis, and better social relationships. We need all of these benefits amid the polarization that we are experiencing.

When we let go of our need for sureness and stay curious and open, we can listen to different points of view, find common ground, and develop innovative solutions to our challenges.

Jackson argues that while we tend to have a negative view of uncertainty, it is a kind of ‘good stress.’ This ‘good stress’ is a physiological and neural response that allows our brain to be more open and receptive to new data when encountering something new or unexpected. Our attention broadens, and our working memory improves. This wakefulness enhances our ability to learn. When we are open rather than closed-minded, we have more energy to investigate a crisis, a problem, or a new situation.

Uncertainty can indeed slow us down to reflect and learn. When we slow down, we can become aware of new issues and mistakes. We can become more accurate and thus enhance collaboration, be more creative, and be more inclusive. Even when we engage with different points of view and are respectful and open, we can discover new possibilities and enhance relationships. Rather than denying or hiding our differences, respectful disagreement and open-minded conversations can help us learn. I often say, “We need to slow down to speed up.”

Research by Todd Kashdan, a renowned psychologist, indicates that inquisitive people share a quality he calls stress tolerance, or the capacity to tolerate the stress of the unknown. With an open mind, curious people can express different points of view and seem more engaged at work. They also report higher life satisfaction and wellbeing. When you are open to the whole range of life experiences, both positive and negative, you thrive. When you are open-minded, you can handle more uncertainty and see it as a challenge and even an opportunity for growth.

It is time to reframe our relationship with uncertainty and adopt an Open Stance. A study out of the University of Washington found that doctors who experienced discomfort or uncertainty with patients were more likely to increase monitoring of a situation and had a greater tendency to look ahead to identify needed resources. I prefer my doctor to be comfortable with uncertainty and open to exploring causes and options to address an issue. We could see uncertainty and being open as a gift.

Expanding our perspective-taking skills is a great way to build our muscles for working with uncertainty. When we are open to respecting a person with different views, remain curious, and expect to learn, we open a pathway for connecting and co-creating solutions. This is what I mean by ‘perspective-taking skills’-the ability to step into someone else’s shoes and understand their viewpoint. Once, when I was listening to someone with different political views, they thanked me for simply being curious and open to understanding their perspective. They reported that they rarely experience such listening. We both left the conversation with increased understanding and connection.

Reframing uncertainty as a gift and adopting an Open Stance toward the unknown can pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and deeper connections with others. Embracing uncertainty can be the key to unlocking a more fulfilling and enriched life experience.

How would life be different if you saw uncertainty as a gift?
I encourage you to share an experience where you did. Let’s start a conversation about embracing uncertainty and the positive impact it can have on our lives.

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