Are You Psychological Safety?

I’ve had the fortune of working with many leaders and teams, with the goal of strengthening them to create more engagement, collaboration, and successful outcomes. Across organizations and industries, there is a consistent factor that predicts success. Researchers confirm the importance of focusing on the kind of respectful environments created.

Google’s quest to uncover the ‘secret sauce’ of high-performing teams led them to a surprising discovery: psychological safety is the key factor that sets these teams apart.

We exert extra energy to function when we are in a team or community where we don’t feel welcome and valued and where different views or mistakes are not allowed. Our nervous system gives us the message that we are not safe, and we divert our energy for protection rather than innovation and creativity.

According to Timothy Clark, when we feel psychologically safe, we feel included, safe to learn, safe to contribute, and safe to challenge the status quo.

An essential step for creating safety in a team, group, family, or relationship is to discuss how you want to work and be together directly. You can be explicit that it’s okay to bring up diverse views and what it looks like to be respectful. It is then helpful to check in regularly about honoring the norms and identifying what else is needed.

I work with teams to develop the OASIS Conversation skills to engage in open-minded dialogue and find common ground. Listening with empathy and managing our judgmental perspective can make a big difference for high-functioning teams, creating an oasis-like environment.

What can you do to support yourself and others in feeling safe?

You can get the OASIS Conversation infographic here:

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