How Do You Manage the Rhythm of Life?

“With equanimity, you can deal with situations with calm and reason while keeping your inner happiness.” -The Dalai Lama

I come from a big family, and there always seem to be challenges. The rhythm of life is comprised of fallow moments and times of flourishing. We can’t escape the ups and downs of life. However, we can work on managing our reactions. We can notice habitual patterns that may have once made sense but may no longer serve us. For example, a habitual pattern of jumping in and trying to control others may have made sense when we were younger, or striving for perfection may have been helpful to get good grades, but ten drafts of an email might not be the best use of our time and attention now.

Equanimity is the ability to be even-minded in facing life’s challenges. When we let experiences unfold and accept the transient nature of life, we become more flexible. Life naturally has disappointments. We can appreciate that our emotions continue to change, look for what we can learn, and trust our resilience and ability to thrive. This is an aspiration, and I have many experiences that allow me to develop the muscle of being open. It’s a work in progress, for sure.

We all want to experience a sense of inner calm and joy. When we intend to notice our judgments and shift to being open, we can be more responsive rather than reactive. When we make it a choice and practice to be open and experience equanimity, we influence others by our presence. We can learn to be calm when we notice our sensations and reactions. This serves us and those around us.

Embracing gratitude for who we are, what we have, and our lives is a powerful tool to navigate life’s twists and turns. It’s not just a practice, but a mindset that can bring a sense of peace and contentment, even in the face of challenges. Gratitude helps us to focus on the positive in our lives, shifting our perspective from what we lack to what we have.

There are many other practices that help us to manage disappointments and challenges. We can reflect and look for the growth opportunities. We can take care of our physical and emotional wellbeing. We can develop relationships where we share empathy, support and compassion.

What strategies do you find most helpful in navigating the rhythm of life’s ups and downs and challenges? Your experiences and insights are valuable and can contribute to our collective growth.

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