The Power of Wonder

We cannot be in a state of wonder and also be judgmental. We have a desire for certainty, yet life is full of uncertainty. We are sure that we and others we love will die one day and that things will not remain the same. Otherwise, we cannot button down certainty. We can trip and fall or hear scary news anytime. We all have experienced such moments that change things in an instant. How do we live with this uncertainty?

We adopt an Open Stance as our way of being. We allow wonder, openness, and gratitude to be our companions. With wide-open eyes and arms, we appreciate the sky and the sun’s warmth on our backs. We appreciate the smile of a friend or a neighbor. We know that we are not alone on this journey of life. We embrace the moment before us and are grateful to be alive. Even when we face challenges that we wish would go away, we embrace the moment and trust that there is life and learning in the moment. We may even wonder, what is this moment offering, what can I learn? From the state of wonder, we connect to the inner aliveness that is always available. We sense life’s vitality and choose this moment and the next, fully present in the now. We are grateful for this experience and this growth. We call this connection to life, nature, and others the joy of being–JOYBeing.

Wonder is the spark that ignites our curiosity and fuels our desire to explore the world around us. It is the awe-inspiring feeling we experience when encountering something new, beautiful, or unexpected. Wonder has the power to:

– Expand Our Horizons: When we approach life with a sense of wonder, we open ourselves to new experiences and perspectives. We become more receptive to learning and growth.

– Inspire Creativity: Wonder stimulates our imagination and encourages us to think outside the box. It is the driving force behind innovation and artistic expression. When we allow ourselves to be captivated by the world’s mysteries, we tap into a wellspring of creative potential.

– Foster a Sense of Connection: Experiencing wonder often involves moments of connection with something greater than ourselves, whether it’s the beauty of nature, the intricacy of a piece of art, or the complexity of scientific discovery. These moments remind us that we are part of a larger tapestry of life, fostering a deeper sense of interconnectedness and reducing feelings of isolation.

For a more fulfilling life, it’s crucial to build the habit of taking an Open Stance and embracing wonder. A friend suggested we ask, “I wonder what this moment is inviting?” This simple question can empower us to take control of our mindset and approach life with a sense of openness and curiosity.

I would love to hear about your experience of wonder.

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