Breaking the Cycle: Transforming Negative Energy into Positive Impact

J., a manager in a large corporation, begins most interactions with what he sees as what is not working or what people are not doing. He tends to see the negative and what is wrong.

He gruffly shares the problems he sees with a project.

When he joins a meeting, people stop talking in the group but often text each other–complaining about him. Many share with me that he is not easy to be around. People who work with him report feeling a sense of heaviness and tightness when they meet with him. Others tell me they try to avoid him. His negative emotions are contagious.

I’ve coached many leaders like J. They are focused on being productive and often experience great pressure. They want success, yet they fail to realize how significant their presence and the energy they bring are. Such leaders are often shocked when, as an executive coach, I give them feedback after conversing with their peers, staff, and manager. They had not focused on their impact on colleagues and their teams. They were not aware of the kind of environments they were creating.

The good news is that with awareness and intention, I have seen turnarounds with these leaders. When they become more aware that they need to manage their energy and attention and focus on the environment and the relationships they are creating, things really change.

People in the organization can be forgiving. After all, they want a more collaborative and truly productive environment. Once they see that someone like J. is committed and is changing how he interacts, they shift, too. Everyone benefits.

What can you do if people perceive you to be like J.?

A simple step is to consciously set your intention to be open and connecting as you enter a new meeting or room. Focus on relationships in addition to the task or project. Set your intention to be kind to yourself and others. Take a moment to pause and focus on creating more positivity by reflecting on what is working and what you are grateful for. Be interested in others and work to build relationships.

Cultivating a more positive and open presence can increase collaboration, productivity, and wellbeing for everyone involved.

Reflect on your behavior and your impact on others. Are you inadvertently creating a negative or hostile atmosphere? What positive changes can you make today?

What are your thoughts on the importance of awareness and managing your energy and interactions?

Learn about ways to enhance your self-development in 12 Top Ways to Enhance Your Leadership Self-Development. Link:

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