A Simple Hack to Change How You Experience Your Day

We underestimate how important our mindset is. Some of us naturally see the glass as half full and others as half empty. Some of our perspectives were inherited from our early experiences with caregivers and our life experiences. So often, we are unaware of this context and how it shapes us.

With awareness, we can notice what we are saying to ourselves and build new patterns. We are learning that neuroplasticity allows us to create new pathways in the brain literally. A study conducted at the Harvard Medical School showed brain scans of pianists as they played the piano. Later the musicians were asked to imagine playing the piano. The identical part of the brain became active. When we rehearse, neural pathways are enhanced, and new habits are formed. The good news is that we can become aware and shift our mindsets.

A simple experiment I have been trying is to reframe. I used to say to myself, “I need to do the chores. I need to get work done. I need to…” I am shifting to saying, “I get to … make a meal for my daughter, I get to walk, I get to pay my taxes.” I am grateful that I am healthy enough to walk, cook and work. It’s a simple shift. We know things are constantly changing. How can we enjoy this phase of our life, and what we can do at this time?

Try this simple experiment, and let me know how it works for you.

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