What Inspires You?

I recently had the pleasure of sharing lunch with an old friend. She mentioned that she was inspired when she heard an interview on a podcast about a nonprofit group collecting stories from people who had experienced slavery. The organization is now collating the information to educate people and support learning from history.

As my friend spoke, her eyes lit up with enthusiasm for this group’s remarkable work. During the interview, the organization’s leader expressed a need for volunteers to help shape the collected information for broader dissemination.

I encouraged my colleague to contact the organization immediately and volunteer.

We all have causes and issues that resonate with us profoundly, calling us to take action. Imagine the impact if we followed through and took concrete steps to support these causes. By engaging in acts of kindness and support for initiatives that align with our values, we contribute to worthwhile endeavors and set in motion a ripple effect of positive change.

When we work towards a purpose that inspires us and gives our lives more significant meaning, we experience an undeniable surge of aliveness and energy. This sense of aliveness is, in itself, contagious. In today’s world, with so many pressing needs, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take action, no matter how small, and inspire others to do the same.

Share what inspires you, and if you’re seeking assistance for a particular endeavor, don’t hesitate to ask. You never know—you might encourage others to join you on this journey of creating a brighter and more compassionate world. Together, we can make life better for all.

One of my projects is to share more broadly the power of taking an Open Stance–with an open mind and open heart. If more of us can manage our reactions and judgment, we will be positioned to co-create solutions facing our world today. I am creating Open Stance Circles and a community where people encourage each other to be open and learn together. You are welcome to join if this inspires you.

Join here: https://potentials.com/open-stance-community 

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