What Was Meaningful Today?

What went well today? Review your day and identify a few things. For example, here are some things I enjoyed today.

— I got outside for a walk along Lake Michigan, and it was a beautiful day with a breeze. I love walking and being in nature.
— I enjoyed lunch with my partner. It was nutritious and tasty. We had a good conversation and connection.
— I listened to a book and explored joy, an area of interest, and learned about some of the latest research.
— I connected via a phone conversation to support my sister and siblings through a challenge.

Consider your meaningful moments. Then ask yourself, “What supported these moments?”

For each, I made a choice. Each supports my values and what is meaningful for me to experience joy. I connected with nature; I walked and ate nourishing food to support my health. I supported my sister in need and connected with my siblings. I want to make a difference and help to make lives better. I love learning and sharing what I learn and value studying the latest research. I value my relationship with my family and am glad for moments of connection.

Notice that we can always make decisions that enhance our JOYBeing–the joy of being alive. When we know what we value and what is meaningful, our choices become easier.

Make it a practice to notice meaningful moments in your day. You could reflect or journal in the evening or the next morning.

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