Are You Investing in Friendships?

I recently had the opportunity to enjoy an outdoor dinner with friends I had not seen in several years since COVID. It was great to reconnect with people who feel like family. So many of us are experiencing a sense of isolation these days. While we may interact with many people on Zoom, it is easy to feel alone.

A coaching client recently explored with me her sense of loneliness. Like many of us, Sally, an executive with a demanding role, has been very busy with her career, her children and even aging parents. Creating friendships has not been a focus.

Another client, who recently retired, told me he was surprised how his phone has stopped ringing and it seems that his work friends have moved on or forgotten about him. This is a common phenomenon. People are busy and move on with their lives.

A friend of mine, who is in her 90’s, also feels isolated since many of her outings with friends have been curtailed by COVID. One advantage she has is that she has several close friends that she speaks with daily. These were friendships formed early in her career that became more than just work friends. They had invested time with each other, gone on trips together and visited each other’s homes. They are benefitting from long friendships at this stage of their lives.

While we have a lot of variance, we are social beings who benefit from interacting with others. It is important to invest in relationships. It is valuable to make time for connecting with people who have similar interests and also to expand our circle of connections.

How are you investing in building friendships? 

When Should You Trust?

Like you, I have had many life experiences and have learned that it is not a good idea to trust everyone, all the time. I have experienced disappointment in others and a sense of betrayal. At those times, my instinct was to become closed and hold back from further trusting.

However, I have also found that beginning or staying with a closed stance of distrust has not served me. When I am too self-protective and defensive I don’t see the whole picture and there is little chance of resolving issues. I realize that based on my experience and background I interpret how things “should” be. Of course, everyone has had a different upbringing and experiences that color their view of how things “should” be and their interpretation. When we stay stuck in polarization, little opportunity emerges. There are so many issues where we are closed and mistrusting of one another these days and we don’t approach understanding or creating shared solutions that are so needed.

I have come to believe that most people I interact with are doing the best they can based on their experiences and that I can be open and curious to learn more. This does not mean that I hand over my money or trust to anyone. I still do research and pay attention to my intuition and be alert to actions and results.

I have learned that it is useful to start with an Open Stance and to be curious and open to learning. I can always become more cautious and change my behavior as I learn more.  Luckily, I have the OASIS Conversation skills to support me in talking to people to share my perspective and to be open to learning theirs.  When I take an Open Stance and  “assume positive intent”, we most often come to a satisfactory connection and resolution.

However, if I start off a relationship or even a conversation by being closed and untrusting, it is much harder to find common ground and satisfaction.  I know that emotions are contagious. My openness, curiosity and compassion allow space for understanding.

Of course, we need to be attentive. I vote for starting with an Open Stance and giving others a chance. It has served me to take this approach. I have saved many relationships and experienced the benefit of connecting with many different perspectives. I have had the gift of seeing many teams and relationships benefit from this embodied mindset.

Experiment with trusting a bit more and starting to be open and curious in a relationship or a conversation rather than starting with a closed-stance.

How Do We Deal with All this Grief?

So many of us are experiencing grief. We lament how life has changed in recent years. We are experiencing the uncertainty of the future. There are so many challenges ahead of us.

A friend of mine, who was active a few weeks ago, is bedridden and can’t do much for herself. Another is experiencing the loss of a family member, and others are the loss of important relationships. A parent tells me how her child is growing and her sense of family connection has changed. An elderly person grieves because he doesn’t have the same capacity to achieve goals and doesn’t feel like he is contributing to the world. People are missing the connections of colleagues they once experienced at work, as well as the sense of a doable pace of work. Others are suffering due to climate change resulting in flooding and fires. We see the impact of war, isolation, and big and small changes.

We know that things are always changing and will be different. It is easy to want to distract ourselves, so we do not have to feel the pain or sadness as things change. We stay busy or procrastinate, eat, blame others, engage in social media, overwork, and watch TV to avoid our grief. However, when we do not become aware of our experience and attend to our emotions, we put our energy into resisting what is. It is like holding down a beach ball under the ocean. It takes our strength and energy. Instead, if we let go of our holding and resisting, the ball could flow easily.

It is easy to want to avoid feeling the loss of what once was or what we hoped for. Ironically, when we face our disappointments, and acknowledge and accept our emotions, we are in a much better place to see possibilities and to take action. I know that it is not fun to feel our sadness, disappointment, or grief.  However, when we name our emotions and accept them, we are better positioned to be choiceful in our next steps.

In fact, we are able to experience more joy when we awaken to, attend and accept our full range of emotions. It takes intention and practice to embrace our humanness and the whole of life, yet it is worth the effort. In addition, appreciating current moments and savoring what we enjoy, knowing that we can’t hold onto things is valuable. Have hope that when we accept our grief, we will embrace our hope for the future. We will be more confident in our actions. Ideally, we will inspire others to do the same on this life journey. We need to recognize that we are all experiencing challenges and a range of emotions.

Take a moment to awaken to what is happening and accept ‘what is.’ Attend to your emotions, accept and name them. Identify possibilities and then take action. Above all, be kind to yourself and others.

Give Positive Recognition

It is easy to notice what colleagues and others in our life do “wrong”. We naturally have a view of how things “should” be done based on our experiences and conditioning. After all, we have been successful doing things our way.  It is natural to become judgmental toward others and ourselves when we believe something is not correct. Our instinct may be to criticize, judge and turn away. This reaction does not generally serve us.

Think about it. When someone criticizes or judges you, how do you respond? Most likely, you become defensive-whether you share your reaction directly or not. Your energy is spent on justifying your behavior and often making the other wrong. A negative cycle has begun–and can last for a long time as we repeat the story we are telling ourselves and our emotions strengthen.

Of course, we need to notice our reaction in these moments, Stop, Step back and cool down, then Shift to being open and curious. We can look for what we can learn as well as the opportunities in a situation. Perhaps we will collectively identify a more efficient process or even strengthen our relationship after an honest conversation.

It is useful to focus on giving positive recognition to people in our life when things are going as we hope. When we thank a person for going the extra mile or for working collaboratively with colleagues they learn what is important to us. Positive reinforcement strengthens behavior.

Make it a practice to appreciate and recognize positive behaviors that will support your team, family and community. We can all use some positive acknowledgment these days.

Notice Strengths in Others

It seems natural to notice what we consider the negative qualities in others. Even if we don’t say anything directly, others are likely to detect our judgment or lack of support.

A useful practice is to notice what is going well in a relationship, experience appreciation and express gratitude. Your partner or colleague is often on time, is considerate, takes out the trash, gives you empathy and is a strong listener. Rather than take these positive attributes for granted, notice them and experience gratitude for these actions. Then, thank your partner or colleague for this behavior. Be specific. “I really appreciate how you took the time to hear how upset I was about the presentation. It meant a lot to me to receive your empathy and care. I am glad to be working with you.” Of course, you need to say this in words that are authentic for you. Do not express such appreciation if it is not real. Take the time to notice and be thankful.

When you notice and appreciate others’ strengths, it reinforces that behavior and helps them to know what is important to you. They are more likely to continue the positive action. 

Can You Experience Joy These Days?

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” – Buddha

Why do you have most of what you dreamed about–maybe a good career, family, friends and a safe home and yet still not be joyful?  My clients report many reasons—they feel stressed, overwhelmed and are facing the uncertainty in the world these days.  Yes.  Emotions are contagious, and there are many reasons to feel down and stressed these days.

Is it even possible to live from a place of joy? Yes, we can be open to the life force within us and experience wellbeing or JOYBeing.

We need to set our intention to be open and to experience joy. We can then begin to notice moments of joy, such as seeing a beautiful sunset or hearing the laugh of a child, and savoring these moments. When we savor small moments of joy, we build the mental muscle of noticing more joy.

We can check-in on our self-talk and notice our predominant emotions. Are you telling yourself that things will never work out and you will never get ahead or are you appreciating what is working and all that you are and have?

What behaviors are supporting joy? We know that when we take care of ourselves by getting enough sleep, having healthy eating habits and exercising we are better able to manage stress and can be more receptive to JOYBeing. We can also engage in actions that bring us joy such as listening to music, being with friends and engaging in hobbies.

Another strategy is to stop waiting to be joyful when… you have a better job, have a kid, move, achieve that project, etc.  Instead, focus on what is going well now and let yourself experience the joy of this moment.  We can notice our internal talk and trust that we and things are good enough. Many of us are so hard on ourselves. Instead, we can focus on being self-compassionate. Rather than seeing joy as a destination, allow JOYBeing to be your partner on this journey of life. Can you allow joy now?

Finally, recognize that when you experience JOYBeing, you positively influence those around you. What can be better than knowing that you are making a difference through your presence.

Set your intention to experience JOYBeing and take action to do so.

What is Your Mindset About Aging?

I hear a lot of comments these days about aging–perhaps because I am getting older. Many people say things like “over the hill” or “downhill from here.”  

It’s so valuable to assess our mindset. Recent research is demonstrating that our mindset about aging can make a huge difference in our experience and well-being. Becca Levy, researcher and author of Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long & Well You Live, asserts that our beliefs about aging impact our longevity and quality of life. Those with positive beliefs about aging live about 7.5 years longer than those with negative views. In addition, those with a more positive view of aging have more positive memories, recover more quickly from injuries, and are generally more positive. 

In her book, The Inside Story, Susan Sands, makes the case that we can experience more joy as we age as we stay attuned to our body sense or interoceptive awareness.  With a positive view of aging, we can appreciate what is happening inside us and outside and experience more presence and joy.  Sands suggests that we can actually be more positive as we age.   

Other research, shared in the book The Happiness Curve, shows that for many people their later years (late ’60s onward) are the happiest time of their lives. The research suggests there is a positivity curve that goes upward–not the downward curve and over-the-hill image we often share. 

What if we could envision aging as a positive opportunity for wisdom and fulfillment, rather than a negative decline? Of course, our bodies age, and we experience loss, but we can reflect on and change our narratives about aging. We can then support changes in the collective narrative. I know of too many people who feel not valued who can actually make a contribution to the lives of others as they age. Just as we are attuned to inequities, we need to be aware of our unconscious biases about age. Are we focusing on older people being slower and less interesting, or appreciating their wisdom?  I recently participated in an intergenerational mentoring program where we shared our experiences. Separated by generations, we were able to shed light on different areas and build a meaningful friendship.  

Examine your perceptions about aging regarding yourself and others. Are you seeing it as a time of decline or fulfillment? Take an Open Stance and experiment with a positive view of aging and notice the possibilities, your choices, and experience.

Are You Experiencing Burnout?

Burn-out: exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration–Merriam-Webster dictionary

Many are sharing with me that they are experiencing burnout these days. Healthcare workers seem particularly impacted after the long road of Covid-19 and worker shortages. Yet, clients across industries are reporting a loss of energy and enthusiasm and being overly tired, feeling depleted and exhausted.  Many feel cynical and even angry about their work, family life, and the future of the world. Some feel indifferent like they are slogging through life and that they are not efficient or effective. Researchers say that burnout occurs when demands are greater than our resources, and we experience allostatic stress. More energy is being expended than energy being cultivated.

Sound familiar? Emotions are contagious, and burnout seems to be too. What can you do?  We need to take action at an individual and collective level.

Of course, to address exhaustion, we need to focus on our physical health and ensure that we get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. We need to take time for rejuvenation and rest. That means taking time away from work and engaging in positive activities that are enjoyable and energy-enhancing. Perhaps you dance, do artwork or yoga or another hobby.

To address cynicism and lack of efficacy, we need to connect with what is most meaningful to us and recall our purpose and values. How can we take action to ensure a greater sense of meaning? Perhaps you help someone who is in need of work on a project that is important to you, such as addressing climate change or inequities. It helps to build meaningful relationships and take opportunities to learn and explore areas of curiosity. It is useful to acknowledge and accept our experience and give ourselves empathy.  Then, we are positioned to take action.

The research on burnout has consistently shown that it is a function of both work environment characteristics and individual behaviors. It is essential that organizations reflect on the systemic factors contributing to burnout and work to create environments that support engagement and productivity. With recent changes where organizations are experiencing high turnover and a shortage of workers, more attention is needed to focus on creating conditions that enable resilience and well-being.

At an organizational level, we need to recognize the stress placed on people when they are continually asked to do more and be immediately responsive to clients and each other. It is important to review systems and processes to assess how to make life better and support healthy engagement. Leaders need self-compassion and compassion for their teams.  Fairness, flexibility, autonomy, reasonable workloads, respectful and inclusive environments where people feel they belong with a sense of psychological safety, clear expectations, feedback, efficiency, alignment around a compelling purpose, and opportunities to achieve potential all contribute to enriching cultures. It is useful to examine norms, policies, and structures to ensure the desired culture.

I have been working with leaders to engage in collective conversations to share diverse perspectives to co-create solutions and healthy environments that support dialogue, learning, and collaboration. When leaders adopt an Open Stance, they are curious and compassionate about making life better for all.

We need to address burnout at an individual and collective level. Emotions are contagious, and we can each make a difference in our sphere of influence to create open, positive, and healthy environments where individually, and collectively we experience resilience, well-being and thrive. Take care of yourself and each other.

An Open Stance Ensures Adaptability

Given the accelerating pace of change and uncertainty, I believe that taking an Open Stance is our best way to be resilient and thrive. Rather than reacting to change and new developments, we need to be aware and prepared to respond. We need to be open to learn and to change course when necessary.

Research by McKinsey shows that adaptability is the critical success factor during periods of transformation and systematic change. When we take an Open Stance, we are positioned to learn and to be aware of opportunities.

Of course, our natural response to so much change is to be fearful, to contract and resort to old habitual patterns that may no longer serve us.  When we are closed, our amygdala is activated and we are less positioned to learn new behaviors. When we make the intention of taking an Open Stance, we can engage in practices to build the mental muscle of shifting to being open and embracing possibilities. This is one of the most important skills needed these days for leaders and those who want to positively influence others.

Studies have correlated adaptability with higher levels of learning ability, greater performance, confidence, and creativity. Being open also enhances well-being, connection, and overall satisfaction.

There are many practices that contribute to cultivating an Open Stance to ensure adaptability. A simple one is to build the habit of feeling your feet on the ground as you walk from one place to another and to regularly check-in, take a breath and be present.

Recall your intention to be open. Commit to your wellbeing and take care of yourself. 

We Can Be Healthier

The New Year offers us an opportunity to reflect on our health and wellbeing. Dean Ornish in his book Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases, provides inspiring research that shows we can become healthy by eating a plant-based diet, exercising, connecting with others and stressing less.  By taking small actions in each of these areas we can enhance our vitality and wellbeing.

I have found being less stressed to be one of the most challenging areas for me. I learned to worry from an early age and I tend to take on more than is reasonable and am motivated to support others and accomplish a lot. I have tended to be a pusher, not of drugs, but pushing myself to do more, be more and achieve more. This approach has been reinforced in our schools and workplaces. However, committing to taking an Open Stance has been transformative. When I remember, I experience more of a pull energy and let go of the worry. I feel more creative and in the flow. I am more productive and can now actually enjoy results.

It is our nature to be peaceful, joyful, curious, and caring. We run after these things and think: “When I have this or achieve that (money, fame, roles, projects, degrees, relationships, etc.) then I will be okay.”  However, it is the running and striving that hides what is accessible when we are more relaxed and open. When we choose openness and quiet our mind and body we stop disturbing what is already there.  When we are open, we connect with an inner sense of awareness of what is and what is possible.  We are able to enjoy our life and contribute.

My commitment is to adopt an Open Stance this year. I know it may feel counterintuitive given all we are facing these days. However, this may be the best time to experiment. I know that being judgmental, closed and pushing are not working for me.  I encourage you to join me on this journey. Let me know your experience as you notice when you are contracted or in judgment and step back and cool down and shift to being open. It is a practice and it is a habit that can be developed.

Commit to cultivating an Open Stance.