What Can You Do to Learn More and Cultivate an Open Stance?

Begin checking-in with yourself on a regular basis to notice when you are closed or open and practice shifting to being open. Build the muscle of shifting and notice the impact on you and your relationships.

Engage in conversations about Open Stance

    • When are you most open?
    • What supports you in being open?
    • What do you notice as the benefits of being open?

Read the book Open Stance: Thriving Amid Differences and Uncertainty to learn more. [Available where books are sold: click here]

Start or be a part of a study group using the Open Stance Book Conversation Study Guide [click here]

Join an Open Stance Circle [click here]

Become a Certified Open Stance Circle Facilitator [click here]

Share the power of taking an Open Stance with your friends and colleagues on social media [click here]

Display images that promote an Open Stance [click here]