Magnifying Strengths: Embracing the Power of an Open Stance

Cultivating an Open Stance is about being open to ourselves, others, and our environment. With a sense of compassion, curiosity, and acceptance of “what is,” we unlock the gateway to joy, meaningful connections, and a world of possibilities. 

We have a natural confirmation bias that predisposes us to detect danger and dwell on negative aspects. In our interactions with others, it is easy to notice what we perceive as flaws or negative attributes. For example, we may notice someone’s lack of politeness, and label them as self-centered or focus on their pessimism.    

However, we can consciously develop the habit of looking for strengths and positive attributes in others. Everyone has natural strengths, unique talents, and valuable qualities. Regardless of how different they may be from us, we can appreciate the generosity, kindness, vision, and curiosity that exists within them. 

In her book, Leading hArtfully: The Art of Leading Through Your Heart to Discover the Best in Others, Diane Rogers suggests that we consciously magnify another’s essence. Can you imagine the positivity and profound impact that can be generated when we recognize and appreciate the strengths of those around us? We are creating a culture of positivity and empowerment.  

We all benefit from hearing about our gifts. Too many of us have been conditioned to feel “not good enough.” And too many of us hear about and focus on the areas we need to develop. By doing a simple practice of valuing the strengths of others, we can collectively shift toward a more uplifting and encouraging narrative.

Take a moment to look for others’ strengths, value them, and offer appreciation to them for these qualities. Try an experiment and look for the gifts in others and notice the impact on them and you. For example, you could say to a friend, colleague, or acquaintance, “I appreciate your dedication to volunteering, your positive perspective, or your kind smile.”

Observe the ripple effects of this simple act of appreciation on both them and yourself. A simple Open Stance moment of validation can sow the seeds of joy and possibilities. 

I welcome hearing about your experience and what you notice.  


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